Choosing a Tobacco Pipe Based on Your Smoking Style

A well done Egg (pun intended) can be regarded as art, and surely countless have made their way onto the shelves of high-end pipe collectors. The Egg’s bowl is usually about the size of, what else, a large hen’s egg, and is most often seen canted forward a few degrees. The transition between bowl and… Continue reading Choosing a Tobacco Pipe Based on Your Smoking Style

Fashion tobacco pipe 1280

Tobacco Pipes for Sale: Handcrafted Wooden Tobacco Pipes Therefore the vast majority are created as bent pipes, and many deeply so. Vauen pipes are a German tradition dating back to the late 1800s, though the company’s history goes back even further than that. In 1848, Karl Ellenberger and Carl August Ziener began manufacturing smoking pipes. In… Continue reading Fashion tobacco pipe 1280

Discover Handcrafted Pipes & Fine Tobacco

Decorated with incised pictorial designs filled with black; four scenes, two of masked dances and two of hunting and fishing. Filling cut tobacco We offer various products to care for and enhance the enjoyment of your Boswell pipe. If you believe these products are being sold to minors, or you see another potential violation of… Continue reading Discover Handcrafted Pipes & Fine Tobacco

tobacco pipe 1262

World Famous House Blended Pipe Tobaccos The ash and the last bits of unburned tobacco, known as dottle, should be cleaned out with a suitable pipe tool. A soft or bristle pipe cleaner, which may be moistened with strong spirits, is then run through the airways of the stem and shank to remove any moisture,… Continue reading tobacco pipe 1262

Fashion tobacco pipe 1253

Hunter Pipe Bohemian Style, I Most, including myself, do not consider it “smoking”, in the same way I don’t consider myself an alcoholic because I have a beer once a week. It’s not an addiction, but certainly appeals to collectors and those that want to explore an incredibly diverse variety of tastes and smells. Also,… Continue reading Fashion tobacco pipe 1253

Tobacco Pipe

In many countries, more women and young people use other tobacco products than smoke cigarettes. Underlying this increase is the misperception that use of tobacco products such as waterpipe tobacco is less harmful to health than smoking cigarettes. However, the health dangers of waterpipe tobacco use are little understood by users. Briarville serves the global… Continue reading Tobacco Pipe

Fashion tobacco pipe 1235

Hunter Pipe Bohemian Style, I However for each of these I’ve included recommendations for widely available alternates that give you an idea of what these highly regarded tobaccos taste like while you continue your search. These are can be obtained at your favorite online pipe tobacco vendor like,,, and We have… Continue reading Fashion tobacco pipe 1235

tobacco pipe 2084

Tips About Clay Pipes However, if it becomes too thick, it may expand faster than the bowl of the pipe itself when heated, cracking the bowl. Before reaching this point, it needs to be scraped down with a reamer. A calabash pipe is rather large and easy to recognize as a pipe when used on… Continue reading tobacco pipe 2084

Fashion tobacco pipe 1226

Tobacco Pipes for Sale: Handcrafted Wooden Tobacco Pipes As this article pointed out, you could single-handedly incite a resurgence of pipe smoking, an experience enjoyed by our elders, back in the day. During my teenage years, many of my friends smoked and some continue to smoke to today, in spite of the warnings. I tried… Continue reading Fashion tobacco pipe 1226